Updated: Nov 4, 2018

On Dec. 1, kick off the holiday season with a daylong game of Pokemon GO and a seasonal sing-along on Kenmore Boulevard.
In celebration of the event’s 20th anniversary, Kenmore Neighborhood Alliance and the Akron/Summit Convention & Visitors Bureau are teaming up to bring Pokemon GO trainers to this year’s Kenmore Holiday Celebration. Holiday Hunt players will have chances to win prizes by participating in a Pokemon scavenger hunt.
You can pick up their Pokemon GO map at the Live Music Now Courtyard from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Then, enjoy free admission to the Holiday Hootenanny at the Rialto Theatre from 3 to 5 p.m., featuring the high-energy honkytonk and country sounds of Shooter Sharp & the Shootouts along with Rubber City Ukes. Expect an afternoon of hand-clapping, toe-tapping entertainment and singalongs. This will be a free all-ages show.

Shooter Sharp & the Shootouts will headline the Holiday Hootenanny at the Rialto Theatre Dec. 1
“I’ve seen a lot of positive things happening in Kenmore recently,” said Roger Riddle, the marketing and social media manager for the Akron/Summit Convention & Visitors Bureau. “When you see a neighborhood trying its best to become a better place to live work and play, you want to help out whatever way you can. This fellowship with Niantic and Knight gave me an opportunity to bring people who may not be familiar with Kenmore to the neighborhood so they can see the good things that are happening.”
For more information about this and other events, visit the KNA Facebook page at www.facebook.com/KNACares.