We’re Better Kenmore CDC.
Founded in 2016, we build a better Kenmore through cultural, recreational and business revitalization, embracing our history, celebrating our creativity and improving our historic business district.
Our vision is a safe and active Kenmore with a revived Kenmore Boulevard at its core. With its diverse people, activities, and food, beverage and retail options, The BLVD will be a valued resource for residents and a destination of choice for musicians and music fans throughout the region.
These are our priorities.
- Amplify Akron’s Music Row through marketing, events and, of course, our artists.
- Ignite neighborhood-friendly investment, acquiring and developing property, and attracting (and matching) businesses and residents to spaces and resources.
- Create spaces that sing through signage, public art and “safe and clean” efforts that magnify what’s good about our neighborhood.
- Engage the community around critical issues that impact the BLVD and Kenmore.
- Grow capacity with the resources needed to fulfill our mission.

Kenmore Boulevard – The BLVD – is not only Akron’s largest neighborhood business district, it is also Akron’s emerging
Music Row, with a dozen music related businesses in a 3-block area: music retail, recording studios, live music venues,
and music schools. With a new K-5th elementary school and 4-8th visual & performing arts school being built just one
block north of the BLVD, Better Kenmore’s plan for 2024-26 is to develop the BLVD Historic District in a way that is catered
to students and their families, with an arts focus and music at its core. Here’s how: