Lee Miller Matsos
Lee Miller Matsos is an opera and musical theater performer turned pop rock artist. His ethereal and emotional musical style and expressive flair is a product of his extensive theatrical background. As a lyricist, Lee uniquely expresses the evolving, non-linear journey from grief, pain, and brokenness to hope, healing and restoration.
Lee’s musical journey began forming from his childhood years, when he watched legends Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis, Jr. perform. As a teen and young adult, Lee thrived as a musical theatre and operatic performer, studying with Leroy Kromm at San Francisco Conservatory of Music before beginning his evolution to the contemporary music world. Primed by his rich life experience and the music of U2, Coldplay, Paul Simon, Eric Clapton, and others, Lee set out to chart his path for his music career when he enrolled at Berklee partner school Holland College in 2019. There, in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, he wrote most of the “Metamorphosis” album. The first installment of the album was released as an EP on September 8, 2023. The second EP, “Metamorphosis, Pt. 2,” is out September 6, 2024.
Chrissy Strong
Chrissy Strong is an emerging, singer/songwriter from Akron, Ohio.
A self-taught musician, her songwriting is rooted in soulful, edgy piano ballads with the raw and free-flowing approach of muses like Tori Amos, Sarah McLachlan, Agnes Obel, and Fiona Apple.
In 2020 Strong released her debut single, Send Angels, that offers a tender and haunting reflection on encounters with love and longing, fear and desperation—and the many forms they take.
Strong has developed a fan following moved by her spirited live performances and brave and honest storytelling. Connect with her at https://www.chrissystrongmusic.com and hear more of her music on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, and Soundcloud.com
Dustin Mayle
Dustin Mayle is a midwest folk songwriter who creates short stories and poems over finger-plucked melodies on his little guitar. His album Dear Loretta was released in early 2023 and he’s since released his E.P. New Heaven and a single “Your Dog”, which has gained some local popularity recently. Dustin continues to write consistently and genuinely, quietly building a prolific collection of tunes that is, at this point, largely unreleased.
Showtime: 5:00 PM